Tobacco-Free at Work is an initiative to support staff being completely tobacco-free while at work or on scheduled breaks on the health campus.
Our goal is to promote the health and well-being of staff and patients with a clean environment of care. In a survey to managers and supervisors, 90% of respondents at UC Davis Health support helping their staff to be smoke and tobacco-free at work. Click on the resources below to learn about how to stop tobacco, how to support wellness, and how to support your staff.
Free nicotine lozenges at UC Davis Health
Free nicotine lozenges are available for staff and visitors. Let others know they can get 2-4 nicotine lozenges (2 mg.), so they don’t have to smoke or vape on campus. Lozenges are available at:
- Hospital (Guest Relations in Pavilion & Emergency Department, Café registers, Staff Entrance at Tower)
- North Addition Office Building (Staff Entrance)*
- Cancer Center (Information Desk)
- Ellison Ambulatory Care Center (Guest Relations and Café registers)
- Eye Center (Guest Relations)
- Glassrock Building (Information Desk)
- 48X (Guest Relations)*
*Pending staffing and building opening