Our Team

Meet our team— the Healthy UC Davis Steering Committee!

We're a group of students, staff, and academics at UC Davis and UC Davis Health, who are passionate about meeting the health and well-being needs of our community. We meet monthly to:

  • Share local and systemwide opportunities
  • Prioritize and fund UC Davis community projects
  • Plan community outreach opportunities
  • Engage experts in the field of health and well-being


Allison CiarmoliUC Davis Undergraduate Student
Ananya NarkeUC Davis Undergraduate Student
Brad HortonAcademic Affairs
Brenda ScalziStudent Health and Counseling Services
Byron GeeStudent Housing and Dining Services
Carolyn DewaPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences; Public Health Sciences
Conner RaiffUC Davis Undergraduate Student
Connie TanHealthy UC Davis; Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being
Damia ZhangUC Davis Undergraduate Student
Debbie FetterNutrition
Elisa TongGeneral Medicine
Emily AvilaStudent Housing and Dining Services
Eric ChenLiving Well, Campus Recreation
Eric KvigneSafety Services
Grant NejedloFOA Communications
Heather DavisCampus Planning
Heather GastellumASUCD
Hiya PeesuUC Davis Undergraduate Student
Jeffrey BruchezTransportation Services, Bicycle Program
Jennifer FalbeHuman Ecology
Jose Roberto "Jojo" MelendresClinical Case Management
Juliane CrowleyRetiree Center
Kayleigh RohrbachCampus Recreation
Keavagh CliftOccupational Health Services
Khoban KochaiOffice for Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Lesley NewsonEnvironmental Science and Policy
Linda AdamsOcc Health Services: Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being & Campus Recreation
Lucas GriffithCampus Planning
Maggie ReaSchool of Medicine/School of Nursing
Mark KhalfinUC Davis Undergraduate Student
Matthew YoungUC Davis Undergraduate Student
Megumi YamanohaDesign and Construction Management
Nasim BahadoraniComputer Science
Pam NicolettiPublic Health Sciences
Patty Covington FlemingHuman Resources
Ruby BalCommunity Development
Sara AghamohammadiClinician Well-being/Pediatrics
Sandy BatchelorWorkLife
Sanne Stark FettingerCampus Recreation
Santana DiazFood and Nutrition Services UC Davis Health
Sarah JanusParking and Transportation Services
Sarah SolarHuman Ecology
Shantille ConnollyStudent Health and Counseling Services: Health Education and Promotion
Stacey BrezingHealthy UC Davis; Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being
Stacey ParkerArboretum and Public Gardens
Suzanne TeuberInternal Medicine
Sweta KumariUC Davis Undergraduate Student
Zhuoyang LiUC Davis Undergraduate Student