Resilience is a process that helps us maintain mental well-being. It is the ability to adapt to life’s challenges and bounce back from adversity.

We can build resilience by being open to change, developing problem-solving skills and coping strategies, managing emotions, and working to establish positive feelings.


  1. Articles/Fact Sheets
  2. Videos

1. Articles/Fact Sheets:

Resilience in Positive Psychology: Bouncing Back & Going Strong
This article introduces the concept of resilience as a way to cope with life’s adversities and challenges using individual strengths and resources. It explains how resilience is created and how to further develop this ability.

8 Tips to Help You Become More Resilient
Clinical psychologist Meg Jay provides practical ways to respond to life struggles and develop better coping skills.

2. Videos:

The ABCs of Resilience
A talk by Kathryn Meisner, director of HIVE, a youth branch of Mozilla in Toronto focused on education, explores what resilience actually means, why it is important, and how it can be developed as a skill. 

Change Your Brain and Resilience
Dr. Lehan Stemmet, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Business and IT at Manukau Institute of Technology, discusses how the brain chemistry of resilience works and details how behavior during life's challenges can strengthen resilience.

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