Providing classes in various districts around the UC Davis campus, making it more convenient for folks to access, get a workout in and not have to go very far from their place of employment.
The campaign positions “point of decision” prompts at strategic elevator banks encouraging students, faculty, staff, and visitors to use the stairs instead of the elevator.
This project trains managers, supervisors, faculty and staff to promote emotional health and well-being among those they supervise and reduce barriers to assisting them.
This new resource library houses wellness and emotional well-being resources such as podcasts, webinars, tip sheets, web based applications, wellness calendar of events, and book recommendations as well as links to other existing websites.
A pilot study looking at the feasibility and effectiveness of offering a 6 week Mindfulness Awareness Practices course, an 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course and the online Science of Happiness Course through the Greater Good Science Center, UC Berkeley.
Point-of-purchase prompts are motivational messages such as signs, posters, or shelf labels placed near foods to encourage individuals to purchase these healthier food options.
WakeBreak (formerly FitBreak) is an opportunity for staff and faculty at the UC Davis Medical Center to improve health and well -being through fun and active healthy fitness breaks during their shift.
The Kumanu Health App is leading edge technology developed at the University of Michigan that could have a significant impact on the operational capability of UC Davis as well as improve the health and well-being of our community.
The food access map will show locations where UC Davis community members can access food and microwaves on-campus.
The map will include information regarding price, quantity, hours, food allergies and diversity of food options. Funding will be used to purchase microwaves, if the initial scans determine a need for additional microwaves. The project leaders will also use the environmental scan data to advocate for additional accessible food options in various locations on campus.