Person holding a bag shopping for groceries.

Employee Basic Needs Initiative

Across the UC system, basic needs of employees has been largely unexplored; this project aims to examine food and housing insecurity that the UC Davis workforce may face.

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While many basic needs initiatives and programs are accessible to adults outside of the workplace, a group of dedicated staff and academics wondered whether the workplace could be an ideal place to support the basic needs of the UC workforce.

In Fall 2020, a systemwide UC Staff Food Insecurity work group was established with the goal of addressing food and housing insecurity among UC employees. The work group has invited various student basic needs coordinators to learn about their unique efforts and created a needs assessment on which all campuses collaborated.

To date, no survey addressing food or housing insecurity among employees has been conducted at the UC systemwide level. Thus, available quantitative data is sparse. Two studies inform the potential impact of this work at UC Davis:

1. A 2016 study conducted by Occidental College revealed that more than two-thirds of UC’s clerical, administration and support employees struggle to put adequate food on the table and are considered food insecure according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture definition. One quarter of UC employees face low food security and 45% face very low food security (Food Security Among University of California Employees, 2016).

2. In 2020, UC Berkeley surveyed custodial and dining staff in their Residential and Student Service Program. Among custodial staff (n = 47), nearly 28% faced low food security, 35% faced very low food security and more than 70% faced housing insecurity. Among dining staff (n = 81), 27% faced low food security, 56% faced very low food security, and 83% faced housing insecurity.


This initiative proposes to:

  • Learn best practices at comparable university and medical centers through literature and informational interviews with basic needs coordinators
  • Conduct a needs assessment by utilizing the existing systemwide survey, and customizing it to UC Davis’ needs via consultation with academics whose expertise lies in food security
  • Determine options, costs and feasibility of a physical pantry pilot

The success of this project will rely on forming partnerships with campus experts, including academics and Aggie Compass. At various points in the project, the project team will connect with colleagues at other UC campuses and large universities to learn about successes and challenges faced.

Opportunities for Involvement: 

Are you a UC Davis employee* experiencing difficulty affording food and/or housing? Help inform future programs and resources! 

Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being seeks to understand the prevalence of basic needs insecurity among part- and full-time UC Davis employees by holding several informational interviews and disseminating a survey. Participation in these efforts will help to bring awareness to basic needs insecurity, optimize resource allocation, and develop relevant programs at UC Davis. 

Starting February 11th, UC Davis Health Employees* are encouraged to:   

Interviews will be held through February-March over Zoom. They will last approximately 25 minutes. If Zoom is not convenient, please indicate this in the sign-up

Responses will be confidential. Data analysis and summary results will not include any identifying information tied back to respondent. Ten survey respondents who volunteer their contact information will be chosen at random to receive a $20 gift card.   

  1. Share this opportunity widely with UC Davis Health colleagues and peers. Download, email or print the PDF flyer. 


*At this time, only UC Davis Health employees are invited to join an informational interview and complete the survey. 

This project was funded by a Healthy UC Davis committee comprised of staff, faculty and students. Learn more about the Employee Basic Needs project. View a list of basic needs resources (housing, food, and others) available to you. For more information, please contact  

Recent Milestones:

In Fall 2023, the project team hired a student assistant to assist with project coordination. After its initial launch with Davis Campus employees, 18 informational interviews were conducted and more than 200 respondents completed the survey. 

Another student assistant was hired in Summer 2025 to assist with project coordination. Since then, the survey has been modified to include optional demographic questions, and the project team has made materials ready for distribution at the UC Davis Health campus. 

Project Lead(s):

Stacey Brezing
Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being

Connie Tan
Program Coordinator
Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being

Primary Category
