Nature Prescription

Starting Your Nature Rx Journey

You got a Nature Prescription (Nature Rx)!  Now what?

Spending time in nature has been shown to have many positive effects on your health and well-being. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you connect with nature:

Oak tree

Step 1: Understand Your Prescription

Familiarize yourself with the details of your Nature Rx prescription, and set a goal for how often you want to spend time in nature. Remember, even a little time is better than nothing!

California poppies and other flowers

Step 2: Decide Where You Want to Go

Step outside, don’t overcomplicate it!

person sitting in the Arboretum

Step 3: Choose Your Activity

There are so many ways to notice nature!

Make sure you have what you need to be comfortable in the outdoors, including water, sunscreen, and weather-appropriate clothing.

People walking among blooming redbuds

Step 4: Reflect on how you feel

  • Would you repeat the same activity again, or prefer to change things up? Are there things you would do differently next time? Would it be fun to invite a friend, colleague or a classmate to join you?
  • Map out how you will continue to spend time in nature. Consistency is key to reaping the full benefits of Nature Rx!

Nature Rx is all about slowing down, listening carefully to what you need, and tuning into the beauty of the natural world. The more you notice nature, the more you'll benefit from it.  Don't forget that nature is all around you- you just need to look for it!