Medical Improv: a stage for wellness and professional growth
This project is a medical improv workshop focused on helping healthcare providers and trainees navigate difficult conversations with topics ranging from motivational interviewing patients to negotiating boundaries with colleagues and supervisors.
Medical improv applies the theatre principles of improvisation to help healthcare providers and trainees practice communication skills, quick thinking, and collaboration. It accomplishes this by drawing on the fundamental tenet of improvisation, “yes, and,” to teach learners how to listen (“yes”) as well as co-create (“and”) in conversations with others.
This medical improv workshop focuses on helping healthcare providers and trainees navigate difficult conversations with topics ranging from motivational interviewing patients to negotiating boundaries with colleagues and supervisors. Comfort and proficiency with these skills not only promote quality patient care but empower providers with tools to protect their own wellbeing in stressful professional circumstances.
Our workshop helps clinicians and trainees practice difficult clinical conversations in safe, low-stakes settings using targeted improv drills. By the end, participants will improve their ability to listen and clearly communicate with partners in conversation; identify collaborative vs. non-collaborative team dynamics; feel empowered to create a culture of support in clinical and educational settings; respond in challenging and uncertain scenarios.
Opportunities for Involvement:
Register for the four-part workshop here: https://forms.gle/8aNtBzgNfeUvUZAY6
Dates: Tuesdays April 9, 16, 23, 30
Time: 5:15 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Location: Sacramento Comedy Spot 1050 20th St. #130 (between J and K St.)
*Space is limited to maximum 20. Please sign up only if you are able to attend all 4 sessions.
Recent Milestones:
We completed the workshop with this amazing group of UCDH colleagues, and we had a blast!

We previously piloted this program with second-year medical students at UC Davis. We presented our findings at the American College of Physician’s Northern California Abstract Competition where we won first place in the QI category and advanced to the national competition in 2023.
Mansuri, N., Aghamohammadi, S., & A., Adrienne. “Medical Improv: Closing Clinical Skills Training Gaps During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Poster presented at: 2022 American College of Physicians Northern California Abstract Competition, October 15, 2022; Palo Alto, CA; 2023 American College of Physicians Annual Meeting, April 29, 2023; San Diego, CA.
A modified version of this workshop will be held in September and February in the I-RESTORE curriculum.
Project Lead(s):
Sara Aghamohammadi, MD
Associate Clinical Professor
Pediatric Critical Care
Noreen Mansuri
Student, UC Davis School of Medicine
Adrienne Atencio, MD
Associate Clinical Professor
Hospital Medicine